How to Reach Out for Depression?

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It is a common notion that depression is their illness, which cannot be talked about with others. This taboo has been broken in the last five years. We must know how important it is to talk about it with others because it is very much like cancer of your thoughts and behaviors. 

If you recluse yourself with your feelings and thoughts, then you are more likely to feel more alone and in desolation. This can make your depression spell even more overwhelming. The lack of external contact and perspective only reinforces your thoughts and feelings, steeping you deeper into the dark depths of depression and anxiety. You will further get stuck in a negative feedback loop and accept that you are the only one condemned with these symptoms. 

So, follow these below pointers to understand that you can deal with your depression in a much better way:

Talk about it

This does not mean that you must announce your clinical depression formally. This can also deter someone from talking to you further.

Even if they want to help you, if you start talking in formal nomenclatures, then they will begin to feel disqualified to assist you with this.

You can have a simple conversation with people. You can say how tough things seem to you lately and that how difficult it is for you to struggle and cope with it.

You can ask them if they are willing to listen to you without a judgmental ear and feel and understand what exactly you are going through. This will help you realize how supportive, empathetic, and following your friends can be.

It is said that even hearing yourself talk about your inner turmoil can have a significant effect. You can speak to yourself about it, and over the prolonged course of time, you will see you find the strength to deal with your depression.

Join support groups

This is very important. There is no better therapy than being in a group of people who are going through very much like you. This will imbibe you with a sense of comfort and help you realize that you are not the only one. This is a big step forward.

There are dedicated depression and bipolar groups; others support mental health groups that help people come out and talk about their challenges. This will help you immensely in identifying yourself and fill yourself with the will to move forward and act against your depression.

When you are looking for a support group, you must ask yourself these questions:

Is the leader of the group empathetic and caring enough to understand and address your feelings and thoughts?

Are you comfortable with the way the group runs its meetings and follow proper mental health principles?

Does the group support and inspire people to not only discuss their problems but also help them to find their voice and be confident enough to act?

Read about similar experiences

Reading can be a form of therapy. Especially when you read about someone who went through what you are going through. These accounts can resonate with you on a personal level.

You will get to know a different perspective and look at what you are going through. More than that, you will be confident enough and realize that you are not the only one going through something like this.

If you read about the struggles that famous personalities have taken to reach where they are, you will be filled with confidence and identify with a path that will help you take you out from your depression and move towards a better life.

One of the most popular stories out there is that of Russel Brand. In his autobiography, he has explored how he dealt with depression and how he found his way out of it with the help of various spiritual exercises such as meditation and yoga,

Reading will help you filled with renewed optimism and inspiration and find the will to put your life back together.

Call a support line or reach out online

A lot of people prefer this because of the anonymity that this service provides gives a lot of comforts. Support lines are handled by either trained counselors or people who themselves have gone through depression and survived.

The US has a free line called the Suicide Prevention Lifeline that goes by the number 800-273-TALK. You will feel heard, and the conversation will often leave you with a sense of assurance and hope.

This works so well because when you translate your thoughts into words and when you are heard and talk to you, feel much lighter. And hence you can also consider an online depression forum. This is the place where you can post anonymously and get public and private replies that suggest you help. This gives you a great deal of support as well.