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Free and Confidential Anxiety Mental Health Assessment, Evaluation and Testing


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A Mission For Michael (AMFM) provides comprehensive anxiety assessments to help you better understand your symptoms and anxiety treatment options. Our anxiety treatment centers in California, Washington, and Virginia offer free assessments as a component of our admission process. At the end of this article, you should walk away with a thorough understanding of anxiety assessments and treatment options.

At AMFM, we offer mental health and dual diagnosis treatment. This allows us to provide support for a range of mental health conditions in varying severities. To enhance our anxiety treatment, we offer yoga therapy, music therapy, creative writing, and life skills groups. If you have found that persistent worrying or fears are interfering with your daily life, we invite you to dial (866) 478-4383 today!

What is an Anxiety Disorder?

Anxiety can cause a significant amount of psychological distress. Among the different anxiety disorders, there are several symptoms and intensities that you can experience. A key feature associated with anxiety disorder is a persistent and excessive amount of worry that is long-lasting. 

The source of anxiety or panic does vary among the different anxiety disorders. As an example, those living with agoraphobia will experience anxiety in spaces that make them feel trapped. Those living with social anxiety may be fine in enclosed spaces but struggle in social situations. If you’re living with an anxiety disorder, you can probably think about the ways that it interferes with your daily life or makes things harder for you.

You may find it difficult to control or cope with your anxiety. This mental health concern has both psychological and physical symptoms, which can include:

    • Restlessness or feeling keyed up or on edge
    • Being easily fatigued
    • Difficulty concentrating or mind going blank
    • Irritability
    • Muscle tension
    • Sleep disturbance (difficulty falling or staying asleep, or restless, unsatisfying sleep)


If you relate to one or many of the symptoms listed, we encourage you to contact A Mission For Michael for your free mental health screening today!

Can A Therapist Screen and Diagnose Anxiety?

Yes, a therapist can provide diagnostic assessments if they have the proper educational and clinical background. This is an important detail because they must have the knowledge needed to interpret the results. This is then compared to the diagnostic criteria in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5-TR). 

Some of the factors that a therapist will examine are the duration, severity, and ways in which anxiety affects your daily life. If you meet clinical criteria, they will walk you through this diagnosis step by step. This allows you to better understand your symptoms and what treatment options would be the most impactful. 

How Do Therapists Evaluate for Anxiety Disorders?

Therapists can use various tools during a behavioral health assessment for mental disorders, including anxiety. This includes screeners, questionnaires, and testing. They will investigate your symptoms, triggers, and how they affect your daily life. This process typically starts with understanding your emotional and physical symptoms.

Comprehensive mental health evaluations are important because they provide a complete picture of your symptoms. Call us today to explore AMFM’s anxiety assessments.

What Evaluations Are Used to Assess for Anxiety Disorders?

Professionals can use various mental health evaluation tools in an anxiety assessment. There are distinct differences among the various anxiety disorders, which are addressed through the use of different psychological evaluations. Some of the more commonly used anxiety assessments include:

  • Generalized Anxiety Disorder Scale (GAD-7) – This assessment evaluates the severity of your generalized anxiety symptoms.
  • Hamilton Anxiety Rating Scale (HAM-A) – This assessment focuses on your mood and physical symptoms to evaluate the severity of your anxiety. 
  • Zung Self-Rating Anxiety Scale (SAS) – This self-assessment can help determine your anxiety levels.
  • Depression Anxiety Stress Scale (DASS-21 and DASS-42) – Depression, anxiety, and stress symptoms are the focus of this assessment. 

How Much Does an Anxiety Assessment Cost?

Clinical assessments for anxiety can range in price. This can be the result of the duration of your assessment, the clinical measures being used, and the expertise of the professional you’re working with. Treatment providers, like A Mission for Michael (AMFM), offer complimentary mental health evaluations. At AMFM, anxiety disorder assessments are free of charge.

We believe that you need to know the severity of your symptoms, needs, and treatment options to make an informed decision. Without the stress of paying for evaluations, we can help you get one step closer to exploring anxiety treatment options. If you want to learn how your insurance coverage would affect your recommended anxiety treatments, we encourage you to complete our insurance verification form. This allows us to contact your insurance provider and learn about the details of your policy, including out-of-pocket expenses, limitations, and needed authorizations. You can then determine how to pay for anxiety treatment.

What is a Free and Confidential Anxiety Disorder Assessment and Evaluation?

A free and confidential anxiety disorder assessment can provide you with professional insights into your anxiety symptoms. By understanding the severity of your symptoms, you can learn what anxiety treatment options could help you decrease the intensity and frequency of your symptoms. As a free emotional wellness assessment, you won’t have to worry about costs!

It is important to note that not all free anxiety assessments are the same. There are free autogenerated self-evaluations online. These resources are not completed by mental health professionals. While these may be appealing, their results are not as reliable as what you would get with comprehensive mental health evaluations performed by a qualified professional. AMFM can provide an anxiety test for free. Our mental health professionals are knowledgeable and experienced with various mental health assessment tools. Once we have a full understanding of your anxiety symptoms, we can review clinical and holistic anxiety treatments that can help improve your psychological health.

How Can Anxiety Assessments Be Confidential and Private?

Mental health professionals follow strict ethical and legal standards that protect your personal information. This means that the information you share during an anxiety assessment and other psychological testing measures remains private. There are limited exceptions to this, including active suicidal ideation that poses an increased safety risk. 

This ensures that the information you share is kept between you and your therapist. It will be stored safely and secured. A Mission For Michael works diligently to protect your privacy, allowing you to feel safe throughout your treatment experience. Reach out today to inquire about our mental health assessment process and available treatments for anxiety.

What is the Difference Between Confidential Screenings, Testing, and Assessments for Anxiety?

The terms screenings, testing, and assessments are often used interchangeably. They can all be incorporated into a clinical assessment. However, there are differences between them. Screenings are commonly given to you before an assessment to gather basic information about your symptoms. This can help target specific symptoms and experiences during your assessment. 

Formalized testing measures often target specific symptoms and conditions associated with health conditions. As an example, medical testing may be used to ensure that your mental health symptoms are not attributed to a physical health concern. They may also be used to ensure medication compliance for those taking medication for anxiety disorders. Assessments are typically longer evaluations that are used to determine the presence of symptoms needed to formulate a clinical diagnosis. 

Is There an Assessment for Dual Diagnosis and Anxiety?

Yes! There are specific assessments that explore mental health diagnostic criteria for dual-diagnosis conditions. As a reminder, dual diagnosis occurs when you have two mental health conditions at the same time. Comprehensive assessments are important because dual diagnoses are typically complex, intertwined conditions.

With a baseline understanding of both mental health conditions, the clinical team at AMFM can create an integrated treatment plan. Treatment may include cognitive behavioral therapy for anxiety and medication for anxiety disorders. After learning anxiety management techniques, you should see a reduction in the level of distress your symptoms create.

Free Confidential Mental Health Anxiety Assessment Near Me

A Mission For Michael (AMFM) is a leading mental health professional offering free assessments for those experiencing psychological distress. Our comprehensive assessments explore your symptoms, mental health history, and current stressors. Dial (866) 478-4383 today to start your free clinical evaluation.

What Types of Anxiety Disorders Can I Request an Assessment For?

Several types of anxiety disorders can be assessed during a psychological evaluation. Some assessments can target specific anxiety disorders, including generalized anxiety disorder, panic disorder, and specific phobias. Below are some common anxiety disorders you can request an assessment for, though this is not an exhaustive list of all anxiety disorders that can be evaluated.

Diagnostic Testing for Panic Disorder

Panic disorder assessments focus on identifying specific symptoms like repeated episodes of intense fear, also known as panic attacks. During the assessment, therapists may ask about the frequency, duration, and triggers of these episodes, and any physical symptoms you experience. Assessments can help determine if your panic attacks are from underlying conditions or panic disorder. Examples of assessments that may be used include the Panic Disorder Severity Scale (PDSS), the Anxiety Sensitivity Index (ASI), and the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM Disorders (SCID-5).

Screening for Social Anxiety Disorder

Social anxiety disorder screenings explore your extreme fear or discomfort in social situations. Questions will target your feelings in public settings, interactions with others, and avoidance behaviors you engage in. You’ll also discuss how these symptoms interfere with your work, schooling, and relationships. Examples of assessments that may be used include the Liebowitz Social Anxiety Scale (LSAS), the Brief Social Phobia Scale (BSPS), and the Social Phobia Inventory (SPIN).

Assessments for Separation Anxiety Disorder

Separation anxiety disorder assessments are typically conducted to understand the distress experienced when separated from loved ones or caregivers. Assessments often include questions about fear of separation, reluctance to leave home, and common physical symptoms like headaches and stomachaches when separated. Assessments that may be used to assess for separation anxiety disorder include the Separation Anxiety Disorder (SAD) Scale, the Revised Children’s Anxiety and Depression Scale (RCADS), and a Structured Clinical Interview (SCID).

Comprehensive Testing for Depression and Anxiety

Depression and anxiety may be present at the same time. This requires comprehensive testing for both conditions to evaluate the overlapping symptoms. This process involves standardized questionnaires and interviews that assess mood and anxiety levels and how they affect each other. The Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HADS), the Depression Anxiety Stress Scale (DASS-21 and DASS-42), the Beck Anxiety Inventory (BAI), and/or the Beck Depression Inventory (BDI) are all effective assessments.

Evaluations for Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD)

Evaluations used to assess Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) investigate your experience with excessive, uncontrollable worry. Important topics include the duration and intensity of your worry, current physical symptoms, and how your anxiety affects your daily life. Evaluations that can be used to assess for GAD include the Generalized Anxiety Disorder-7 (GAD-7) and the Penn State Worry Questionnaire (PSWQ).
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    Find out about our free and confidential mental health assessments and evaluations

    We accept most major insurance providers and can check your coverage levels for you.

    If we are not an appropriate provider for care, we will assist in finding a care provider that can help. 

    How To Get a Free and Confidential Psychiatric Anxiety Disorder Assessment?

    To find a confidential and free assessment for anxiety disorders, you can begin with an online search using keywords like “Mental health Anxiety assessment near me.” You may also contact local mental health clinics and community centers to inquire about an assessment of disorders. If they do not offer free anxiety assessments, they may know of providers who do. 

    A Mission For Michael offers free and confidential assessments to those experiencing a range of mental health symptoms. Our clinical team offers thorough assessments so that we can then provide you with personalized anxiety treatment recommendations.

    What Questions Might Be Asked During the Anxiety Assessment Process?

    Anxiety assessments are tailored to each individual and often modified as your evaluation progresses. Due to the varying presentations of anxiety disorders, there are several questions you may be asked. You may be asked to complete anxiety assessment questionnaires and other mental health assessment forms before starting the assessment process.

    Completing mental health assessment questionnaires beforehand aims to accelerate the process and get a simple understanding of your symptoms. This will guide the remainder of your assessment, including the use of further assessment tools. Once your anxiety test has begun, you may be asked questions like:

    • Can you tell me about what triggers or worsens your anxiety? This question can help determine if your anxiety is tied to a specific trigger or if it is generalized.
    • What are some of the physical symptoms you experience when you’re anxious? Anxiety often includes both psychological and physical symptoms. Physical symptoms like heart palpitations, sweating, and shortness of breath can vary.
    • Can you share how your anxiety has affected your daily life? This question aims to understand the severity of your symptoms and the level of impairment they’ve caused.
    • Have you found any behaviors that help you cope with or manage your symptoms? Understanding your current coping skills can help determine referrals to therapy for anxiety disorders. 
    • Have you noticed any avoidance behaviors to reduce your anxiety symptoms? This is another example of a question used to determine the severity of your symptoms.
    • Have you used medications or natural remedies for anxiety disorders? Your clinical team may recommend that you meet with a psychiatrist or other prescribing doctor to explore effective pharmacological treatments for anxiety symptoms.

    Who Performs Psychological Testing and Assessments for Anxiety Disorders? 

    Mental health assessment interviews can be completed by a variety of professionals, including psychologists, psychiatrists, mental health counselors, and clinical social workers. Additional training and experience are needed to perform and interpret diagnostic assessments for anxiety. Once you have completed your anxiety disorder test, they will compare your responses to diagnostic criteria for anxiety.

    An important step in the evaluation process is to help you understand the results and explore what they mean. For many, learning more about their anxiety symptoms can be a validating experience. You may have found yourself doubting the severity of your symptoms or feeling as though you were alone in your struggle. Together, you and your provider can explore professional help for anxiety in your area, such as anxiety support groups.

    Can I Schedule an Anxiety Assessment for My Loved One or Dependent?

    Yes! It is possible to initiate the mental health assessment process for a loved one or dependent. This is quite common and can be helpful for those who are struggling. It can be challenging to put yourself out there and ask for help. Having a supportive family can make this process easier.

    Family involvement can be an important component of anxiety treatment programs for some. We also recommend that you be mindful of your mental health and ask for help when you need it. Contact A Mission For Michael today to learn more about our standardized mental health assessment process.

    anxious woman at therapy appointment looking out window

    Next Steps if Diagnosed with Anxiety Disorder During an Assessment

    Once our mental health professionals have completed their mental health assessment checklist, they can review anxiety treatment options with you. Your treatment can vary in intensity and duration based on your symptoms. Treatment commonly incorporates mindfulness practices for anxiety and various self-help strategies for anxiety symptoms.

    Anxiety treatment without medication is available for those seeking non-pharmacological interventions or those who are unable to take anxiety medications. A Mission For Michael (AMFM) is here to support you each step of the way. Call (866) 478-4383 to learn how an anxiety disorder assessment can help you access the care you need!

    When Is the Best Time to Schedule an Anxiety Evaluation at AMFM?

    Call A Mission For Michael (AMFM) any time, day or night, if you’re struggling with anxiety. Anxiety evaluations can be impactful, and mental health treatment is available in a variety of intensities. At AMFM, we provide the individualized care you need. If you feel as though your symptoms affect your day-to-day, you could benefit from an anxiety assessment.

    Here are some signs that indicate it may be time to schedule an evaluation:

    • Panic attacks
    • Uncontrollable anxiety
    • Avoiding people, places, or things to avoid anxiety symptoms
    • Experiencing physical symptoms like heart palpations, sweating, and gastrointestinal issues
    • Frequent bouts of worry
    • Feeling restless or on edge
    • Suicidal thoughts
    • Self-medicating with drugs or alcohol

    Can I Expect Addiction-Related Questions During the Anxiety Assessment Process?

    The mental health assessment process may incorporate questions about substance use and misuse. While this is not the primary focus of anxiety assessments, it is important because substances are sometimes used to relieve anxiety symptoms. We encourage you to be honest during each step of your evaluation for precise results.

    Substance misuse is more common among those living with phobias, generalized anxiety disorder, and panic disorder. If you have been using alcohol or drugs to cope with your symptoms, it’s essential to let your treatment provider know so that they can develop an effective treatment plan.

    Questions asked to explore your use of substances may include:

    • Can you think of a time when you used alcohol or drugs to cope with your anxiety? This question provides insight into any maladaptive coping strategies.
    • How often do you use substances? To gauge the severity of your use, you will be asked about the amount and frequency. 
    • Have you experienced withdrawal symptoms? This question aims to understand the severity of your use by assessing for physical dependency.
    • Do you feel as though your anxiety symptoms are worse after using substances? In some cases, alcohol and drugs provide temporary relief. When the effects of the substances wear off, anxiety symptoms can be intensified.

    Anxiety Disorder and Mental Health Assessment Statistics in the US

    Check if your health insurance will cover the cost of mental health treatment.