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Change is part of life. Sometimes, though, you can’t bounce back by yourself. AMFM can help you navigate life adjustments and find your way back to your (new) normal.

You thought you’d feel like yourself again by now- but you still don’t.

Sometimes, life throws you into the deep end—new cities, new jobs, fresh starts, or unexpected goodbyes. 

You keep hoping you’ll swim back to the surface soon and feel like yourself again. But days turn into weeks, weeks into months, and you’re still out there, treading water, feeling more lost with each passing day.

It’s okay not to be okay with change, even if everyone expects you to adapt seamlessly. Some transitions test our strength in ways we never anticipated.

But eventually, when you’re ready, life has to go on, even if it’s in new ways.

At AMFM, we know that sometimes, finding your way through life’s transitions is more than just a matter of time. Sometimes, you need support, guidance, and understanding before you can find ways to process and grow from these changes. We’re here to help you bridge the gap between the familiar and the unknown, to help you find your way back to yourself, or maybe to discover a new version of you that’s been waiting to come out.

Normal Life Adjustment Struggles

Life’s transitions, whether expected or sudden, can stir a mix of emotions and behaviors as we strive to find our new normal. Here’s a closer look at what these adjustment periods might entail:


It’s common to feel anxious about the unknown or about how to navigate your new circumstances.


A sense of loss or nostalgia for what has changed or ended is natural during transitions.


Feeling isolated, especially if your transition has physically moved you away from your support network.

Sleep Changes:

You might find yourself sleeping more than usual or struggling with insomnia as your mind processes the change.

Eating Pattern Changes:

Appetite fluctuations can occur, with some finding comfort in eating more and others losing their appetite.


Pulling back from social connections can be a response to feeling overwhelmed or out of sync with your previous lifestyle.

Decreased Interest:

Activities and hobbies that once brought joy might temporarily lose their appeal as you adjust.

While these responses are a normal part of adjusting to new life stages, they’re not meant to last forever. It’s important to acknowledge these struggles as part of the human experience, allowing yourself grace as you navigate through them, but remember, it’s okay to ask for help if the adjustment feels unmanageable or if “normal” feels perpetually out of reach.

We Seek To Help

Getting used to life changes is inherently tough, but how do you know when it’s time to seek help? Here’s what to watch for- signs that your struggles with life transitions might need a little professional support:

Development of Mental Health Conditions:

Signs that adjustment struggles might be evolving into more serious conditions like depression, anxiety disorders, or PTSD.

Overwhelming Stress:

Feeling consistently overwhelmed, unable to cope with daily stressors, or finding no joy in life.

Substance Use:

Increasing reliance on alcohol, drugs, or other substances as a coping mechanism.

Suicidal Thoughts:

Experiencing thoughts of self-harm or suicide as a way to escape the pain.

Persistent Intensity:

If anxiety, sadness, or loneliness intensify over time instead of gradually improving.

Impairment in Daily Functioning:

When changes in sleep, eating patterns, or withdrawal significantly disrupt your ability to function in daily life.

Long-lasting Symptoms:

Struggles that persist beyond the initial few weeks or months without signs of improvement.

It’s important to recognize when normal adjustment struggles have crossed into a territory that might call for intervention. Seeking help is a sign of strength and an important step toward regaining your footing. AMFM is here to support you through this process, offering personalized care that addresses not just the symptoms but the underlying causes of your distress.

Possible Therapy Approaches

At times, navigating life’s adjustments calls for more than just time; it demands a set of tools and strategies that can help you deal with the emotional and psychological upheaval changes can bring. At AMFM, we are able to pull from a variety of therapeutic interventions that can help you adapt and find your footing during these transitional periods. Here’s how we might approach it:

One-on-One Therapy:

Therapy can help you adjust mentally to the changes in your life. One approach is cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT).  CBT is good at helping you to identify and modify negative thought patterns that can make life adjustments feel insurmountable.

Stress Management Techniques:

Learning how to manage stress effectively is crucial during times of change. We can show you practical stress management techniques like deep breathing exercises, mindfulness, and relaxation methods to help reduce the physical and emotional symptoms of stress.

Building Resilience:

Resilience is the ability to bounce back from life’s challenges. Some techniques build resilience through developing coping strategies, fostering a positive outlook, and strengthening your ability to navigate future transitions.

Group Therapy:

Sharing your experiences with others going through similar transitions can validate your feelings and provide a sense of community. Group therapy sessions offer insights, encouragement, and coping strategies from peers under the guidance of a professional therapist.

Lifestyle Adjustments:

Sometimes, small changes in your daily routine, physical activity level, or social interactions can make a significant difference. We offer guidance on making lifestyle adjustments that support your mental health and well-being during transitions.

But with the right therapeutic approach, life’s transitions can be opportunities for growth and self-discovery.

AMFM’s Holistic Approach

Life adjustments can turn your world upside down, and it’s not always easy to find your feet again on your own. That’s where AMFM steps in, providing a comprehensive, compassionate approach to help you navigate through these transitions. Here’s how we support you:

Personalized Treatment Plans:

Every individual’s experience with life transitions is unique. We start with an in-depth assessment to understand your specific challenges and goals. From there, we craft a personalized treatment plan that might include one-on-one therapy, group sessions, and practical skills workshops tailored to your needs.

A Supportive Environment:

You don’t have to go through this alone. Our supportive environment includes group therapy, where you can share experiences and strategies with others facing similar changes.


We believe in treating the whole person, not just the symptoms. That means considering everything from your mental and emotional health to your physical well-being. Our approach includes lifestyle advice, mindfulness practices, and even nutrition counseling to support your overall health during this time.

Empowering You for the Future:

Our goal is not only to help you through this current transition but to equip you with the tools and strategies you need for any future changes. We focus on building resilience, enhancing coping skills, and fostering a sense of identity and purpose that withstands life’s ups and downs.