We specialize and treat a variety of mood and thought disorders.

Depression doesn’t have to get the last word — find out how AMFM can help you turn the page.

The true weight of depression is something only those who’ve lived it can understand.

You’re not just sad; you feel like you’re barely alive.

Depression can be caused by lots of different factors- or a combination of them- but here’s what we want you to hear: most depression is treatable.

That holds true even if you’ve tried other treatments before.

The trick is finding that treatment– or treatment combination– that will work for you, while making sure you’re safe and supported along the way.

At AMFM, our track record speaks for itself. We’re not offering false hope- we’ve seen our approach work for people in your shoes.

How do we do it?

It’s simple: we don’t treat depression, we treat humans.

Everyone’s depression story is unique, so their treatment plan needs to be, too. We believe in giving our experts the freedom to really get to know each person, looking at the big picture of their lives, with all the resources they could possibly need right at their fingertips. That way, the path to feeling good again isn’t limited to a predetermined set of options —it’s wide open with possibilities.

Understanding Depression

If you’re here looking for help for yourself, you’re already all too familiar with how depression plays out in real life- the endless days, the heavy blanket of sadness, and the lack of interest in just about everything.

But if you’re here for a friend or family member who is struggling, let us help you put yourself in their shoes.

Your loved one might:

Understanding these signs is the first step toward empathy. Remember, no one would choose to feel this way. Depression grabs the steering wheel, taking over emotions, behaviors, and even physical sensations. Recognizing the symptoms is crucial, whether you’re navigating your own journey out of depression or supporting someone through theirs.

Causes of Depression

Being aware of the complexities of depression is key to treating it, because depression doesn’t have just one single cause. Your body’s biology, what you’ve been through, and even how you naturally see the world all play into it.

The more we understand why depression happens, the more likely we are to look at all the factors that may be contributing. In the chart below, we break down these pieces, showing you how they can contribute to your experience of depression.

Causes of Depression

Being aware of the complexities of depression is key to treating it, because depression doesn’t have just one single cause. Your body’s biology, what you’ve been through, and even how you naturally see the world all play into it.

The more we understand why depression happens, the more likely we are to look at all the factors that may be contributing. In the chart below, we break down these pieces, showing you how they can contribute to your experience of depression.

Contributing Factors Correlation with Depression
Brain Chemistry & Structure There’s evidence that brain function and physical changes can lead to depression, underscoring the importance of looking at things biologically.
Genetic Factors There’s a strong connection between genetics and depression, which suggests genetics play a big role.
Significant Life Events Personal experiences like life changes, loss, and trauma can trigger depression.
Chronic Health Conditions People with chronic pain or illnesses have a higher rate of depression, proving that physical and mental health are interconnected.
Substance Use The risk of depression increases with the abuse of alcohol or drugs.
Personality and Resilience Certain personality traits, including low self-esteem or a predisposition towards pessimism, can be a risk factor for depression.

Types of Depression

Before we dive into the various forms depression can take, let’s remember: diagnoses are tools for understanding. They group common symptoms together to guide treatment, but they don’t define your experience. Each person’s journey with depression is unique, and these categories simply help us start the conversation about finding the best path forward:

Major Depressive Disorder (MDD):

Characterized by a pervasive feeling of sadness or a lack of interest in life, MDD goes beyond temporary blues into a sustained period of depression that affects how you feel, think, and handle daily activities.

Persistent Depressive Disorder (Dysthymia):

This is a longer-term form of depression where you might feel consistently low for years. While the symptoms might be less severe than MDD, their chronic nature can make everyday life feel particularly challenging.

Bipolar Disorder:

Bipolar disorder involves significant mood swings that include emotional highs (mania or hypomania) and lows (depression), affecting your energy levels, decision-making, and sleep patterns.

Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD):

Linked to changes in seasons, SAD typically occurs during the fall and winter months when there’s less natural sunlight. It’s characterized by mood changes that can impact energy levels and overall well-being.

Postpartum Depression:

Going beyond the “baby blues,” postpartum depression includes severe and lasting depression after childbirth, affecting the ability to care for your child and yourself.

Remember, recognizing these patterns in yourself or someone you care about is a step towards healing, not a label that limits who you are. At AMFM, we use these diagnoses as starting points to tailor a care plan that respects your individuality and addresses your specific needs. We’re here to support you, offering expertise and understanding as you navigate your path to recovery.

Why Choose AMFM for Depression Treatment

Choosing AMFM for depression treatment opens the door to a journey tailored uniquely to you. Our approach goes beyond the usual “diagnose and medicate” medical model, focusing on nurturing every piece of your well-being. We’re about creating a care plan that truly fits, recognizing the complexity of your experience with depression, and ensuring every step forward is in sync with your needs.

What makes us different is how we integrate your personal story into the treatment process. We’re all about understanding the specific challenges you face and your aspirations for the future. This deep dive into your world allows us to provide support that’s not just effective but also fits perfectly with your life.

By joining the AMFM community, you gain more than just a treatment plan; you gain a partnership. You’ll be surrounded by dozens of experienced experts who are as committed to your recovery as you are, ready to walk with you toward a future where you feel empowered and hopeful. With AMFM, you’re not navigating this path alone; you’re part of a supportive team that celebrates your journey every step of the way.

What Sets AMFM Apart

With AMFM, you’ll get top-notch clinical care in a warm, supportive environment.

Here are a few of the ways we do things differently:

Excellence in Every Interaction: Thanks to training from the Beck Institute, every person you meet here, from our therapists to our support staff, is equipped to offer you the highest standard of care.

A Place of Peace: Our centers are tucked away in quiet, soothing spots. As a result, you can focus on healing and find your calm amidst the storm of depression.

Expertise in Depression: Our team members aren’t just professionals; they’re specialists in understanding and treating depression. They bring empathy and expertise together to offer you the care that gets it — because they truly understand what you’re going through.

Partnership with World-Renown Beck Institute: We have a close partnership with the world-renowned Beck Institute, which brings you the latest and most effective strategies in mental health care.

Nutrition: Here, food is more than just fuel. Led by chefs who believe in the healing power of nutrition, our meals are designed to support both your body and mind on the road to recovery.

Care That’s All About You: We know that your journey is unique. That’s why our treatment plans are as flexible and dynamic as your story, not limited to pre-conceived treatment protocols.

Personal Attention: We keep our numbers low so you get the care and attention you deserve.

Our warm, welcoming, and expert-led programs offer everything you need to move forward on your path to wellness.

Our Approach to Depression Treatment at AMFM

You can trust us to help you with your depression- we do this for a living. Here’s how we approach depression treatment:

One Step at a Time

At AMFM, our approach to treating depression revolves around a simple idea: recognizing and overcoming barriers to motivation is the first step toward recovery. What does that mean? Well, depression often strips away your energy to participate in even life’s simplest tasks. By focusing on immediate, realistic wins that spark motivation from within, we can generate the momentum toward health that you’re struggling to find in your day-to-day life.

When you’re depressed, every small step forward deserves celebration. Even if it’s choosing to wear a new pair of socks or managing to step outside, these moments are defining. We create an environment where such achievements are not just noted but honored, breaking down the shame that often accompanies depression. The goal is to build a ladder out of depression, one rung at a time, with each small accomplishment fueling the journey toward bigger wins.

Customized Healing Paths

We treat people, not diagnoses. We start with a comprehensive, empathetic assessment and then develop a customized treatment plan that combines various tools, from Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) to creative arts and beyond. We celebrate each success and adjust strategies to suit your changing needs and preferences- a plan that grows as you do. As you progress, we work on blending a variety of therapies to meet you where you are and help you take your next step.

Treatment Modalities

We do more than pay lip service to customized treatments- we have the therapeutic toolbox to back it up. Here are just a few of the evidence-proven treatment options we can pull from to help you tackle depression:

Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT)

CBT helps individuals identify and challenge negative thought patterns fueling depression, fostering more positive outlooks and behaviors.

Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT)

DBT is effective in teaching coping skills to manage intense emotions, emphasizing mindfulness, distress tolerance, and enhancing interpersonal relationships.

Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR)

Recognized for its effectiveness in trauma recovery, EMDR aids in diminishing the psychological impact of past trauma that often underpins depression.

Comprehensive Trauma Recovery (CTR)

This approach combines various therapeutic strategies to comprehensively address the multifaceted nature of trauma-related depression.

Individual Therapy

Personalized therapy sessions are at the heart of our care, focusing on individual growth and tackling specific challenges in a supportive, one-on-one environment.

Group Therapy:

Offering a community of support, group therapy facilitates healing through shared experiences, fostering a sense of belonging and mutual understanding.

Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation (TMS):

Available in-house in our California programs, TMS is a non-invasive treatment option for those who haven’t responded to traditional therapies. It uses magnetic fields to stimulate nerve cells in the brain to improve symptoms of depression. If our experts think it’ll be helpful, TMS can also be incorporated into your aftercare plan.

At AMFM, you’re more than your depression; you’re a person with a story. If you’re ready to move on to the next chapter, give us a call- we’ll help you write it.