Psychosis is scary, but with the right treatment and support, it’s not permanent.

AMFM’s expert treatment facilities can help your loved ones find their way back to reality- and to themselves- with compassion, respect, and sensitivity.

Watching someone you love descend into psychosis can feel like watching them slip into a world you can’t reach. 

One day, they’re themselves—laughing, engaging, and living life. Then, suddenly, things shift. 

They might start to express beliefs that don’t make sense, claiming to hear voices that aren’t there or seeing things that no one else can see. They might become paranoid, convinced that they’re being watched or plotted against, even by you. 

Conversations become confusing and disconnected. You can’t seem to get through to them anymore.

Feeling helpless and bewildered, you’re struggling with a mix of fear, sadness, and a desperate wish to drag them back into reality.

But how can you help without worsening their condition or driving them further away?

It’s tough to see someone you care about go through psychosis. They start to lose touch with what’s real, and it can feel like you’re losing them too. At AMFM, we understand how hard this is for families, and we’re here to help. We’ve got the expertise and the compassion to help your loved one find their way back. Our approach is all about treating them with the respect and sensitivity they need, using a mix of science-proven therapies and support to tackle both their symptoms and the root causes of their condition. You’re not alone in this, and we can show you the way through it.

Psychosis Symptoms

When someone you care about is experiencing psychosis, the changes can feel both sudden and bewildering. Here’s what you might notice:

Believing Untrue Things:​

They might strongly believe in things that don’t make sense to you, like being under surveillance or having special powers. These beliefs are real to them, no matter how much evidence there is to the contrary.

Hearing Voices or Seeing Things:

They might report hearing voices talking to them or about them, seeing things that aren’t there, or feeling sensations on their skin that have no clear cause.

Disorganized Thinking:

Their thoughts might be jumbled, making it hard for them to make sense or keep track of conversations. They might jump from one topic to another without clear connections.

Change in Functioning:

They might struggle with everyday tasks, work, or school, showing a noticeable drop in performance or motivation.

Social Withdrawal:

You might notice them pulling away from family, friends, or activities they once enjoyed, often because of fear or mistrust.

Emotional Changes:

Look for changes in mood, such as increased irritability, depression, or a flat affect, where they show little emotional response.

These symptoms can be incredibly distressing, not just for the person experiencing them but for everyone around them. Remember to approach your loved one with empathy- try to understand their reality without dismissing or challenging their experiences directly. Psychosis interferes with their sense of reality, making what they see, hear, or believe feel intensely real to them.

At AMFM, we can give you the guidance and treatment needed to figure out what’s going on and bring your loved one back to a life they love.

Possible Causes

There are many things that can make someone more likely to experience psychosis- and it’s important to find out the trigger before treating. Here are some of the factors we’ll look at before we begin treatment at AMFM:

Genetic Factors: Just like other health conditions, psychosis can run in families, which could point to a genetic predisposition.

Brain Chemistry:  An imbalance in neurotransmitters, the brain chemicals that communicate between neurons, can cause psychosis. In some cases, dopamine and serotonin imbalances are thought to be involved.

Stress and Trauma: High levels of stress, traumatic life events, or chronic trauma can trigger psychosis in individuals who are prone to it.

Substance Use: Certain substances, including cannabis, LSD, methamphetamine, and even alcohol, can induce psychosis. Substance-induced psychosis can sometimes last long after the substance is out of the system.

Physical Illnesses: Some medical conditions can lead to psychosis, including brain injuries, infections, and neurological disorders like Parkinson’s disease or Alzheimer’s disease.

Mental Health Disorders: Psychosis is part of several psychiatric conditions, including schizophrenia, schizoaffective disorder, and bipolar disorder. It can also occur during severe episodes of depression.

Sleep Deprivation: Long-term lack of sleep has been connected to psychotic episodes.

At AMFM, we take a holistic approach to treatment, considering every possible influence to create a plan that fits your loved one- it’s easier to help them recover if we understand all underlying causes.

Possible Interventions

Addressing psychosis requires a thoughtful combination of treatments tailored to the individual’s needs. Here are a few of the ways AMFM might treat it:

Medication Management

Antipsychotic medications are often a cornerstone of psychosis recovery, helping to reduce symptoms like hallucinations and delusions. Our team works with each patient to find the most effective medication with the least side effects.​

Targeted Psychotherapy ​

Techniques like Cognitive Behavioral Therapy for Psychosis (CBTp) focus on understanding and changing the thoughts and behaviors associated with psychosis. These therapy approaches give your loved one the tools they need to manage their symptoms.

Family Support

We involve families in the care process through education and therapy, providing them with the understanding and strategies needed to support their loved ones.​

Level of Care

Depending on the severity, care for psychosis might start in a more controlled setting to ensure safety, followed by a customized plan that includes ongoing therapy, medication, and social support to help them take the next steps to stability.​

At AMFM, we balance professional expertise with empathy, because psychosis is complicated and can be downright traumatic for everyone. We’re here to help you and your loved ones recover, providing medical treatment as well as emotional and practical support.

AMFM's Approach

Psychosis is more than just a medical condition– it’s a deeply personal experience that affects individuals and their families. We understand. The care we provide is comprehensive and tailored, because we respect and value each individual’s uniqueness. Here’s how we make a difference:

Personalized Care Plans:

Every journey out of psychosis begins with understanding the person behind the symptoms. That’s why our first step is always a deep dive into who you are and what you need. We tailor every treatment plan to fit you perfectly, mixing the right amounts of therapy, medication, and life changes.

A Supportive Community:

It takes a village, not just to raise a child, but to heal a mind. At AMFM, we’ve built a place where everyone—families included—can find support, share their stories, and lean on each other. From group sessions to family meet-ups, we make sure nobody feels alone on this journey.

Education and Self-Awareness:

We believe in making sure you and your family really get what psychosis means and how you can handle it together. We break down the facts, share coping tips, and show you how to be an active part of the recovery process.

Comprehensive Care Beyond Crisis:

At AMFM, we see beyond the immediate emergency of psychosis. Our goal is to walk with you and your loved one through every step of recovery, offering tools and support for the long haul. We focus on building resilience, better mental health, and a brighter life overall. Our holistic strategy covers everything from mental care to physical health, including nutrition, to make sure you get the most well-rounded care possible.

With our expert team, compassionate care, and evidence-based treatments, we have what it takes to guide clients through their recovery journey towards a brighter future.