Can Panic Attacks Cause Heart Attacks? What You Should Know
Learn how panic attacks impact heart health and if they can lead to heart attacks.
Election Anxiety and Mental Health: Insights from a National Survey
Election Anxiety and Mental Health: Insights from a National Survey As election season approaches, many Americans experience heightened levels of stress and anxiety. To better understand how this impacts mental well-being, a survey of 2,000 individuals was conducted. The results provide insight into the complex relationship between election coverage, mental health, and anxiety. Below is […]
Increase In Chronic Cannabis Psychosis In Young Adults
Explore the hidden risks of cannabis use in young adults, focusing on the concerning rise of chronic cannabis psychosis. As cannabis legalization spreads across states, increasing its accessibility to adolescents, it’s critical to understand the serious mental health symptoms that can be triggered, including paranoia, hallucinations, and psychosis. This post delves into the genetic factors, the potency of modern cannabis, and the alarming connection between early cannabis use and severe psychological disorders. Learn what steps parents can take to prevent cannabis-induced psychosis and the importance of early intervention and family involvement in treatment. Stay informed about the risks associated with cannabis and protect the mental health of the young generation.
3 Barriers Towards Mental Health Treatment for LGBTQIA+
It is estimated that 51.5 million U.S. adults struggle with mental health issues. However, Lesbian, Bisexual, and Gay adults are at a greater risk to experience a mental illness conditions compared to heterosexual adults while Transgender adults are four times more likely to experience a mental health condition when compared to their cisgender peers. Unfortunately, as of 2020, about 54% of […]
Narcissistic Personality Disorder: What Is It and 3 Tips on How To Cope
Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD) is a set of personality traits that generally involve a self-centered, arrogant presentation, an excessive need for attention and a lack of regard for others. More often there are features of narcissism that appear within the context of our relationships as opposed to dealing with someone who is a true narcissist.
How Money Affects Our Mental Health
How money affects our mental health and is it significant? In short, yes! It is very important, now more than ever, given the economic landscape caused by Covid-19. Money is arguably the single most important construct for civilizing the modern world. The invention of money has established the consenting relationships between buyers and sellers, but […]
Coronavirus & Insomnia: Tips To Get A Full Night’s Sleep
The arrival of Covid-19 has brought unfathomable and drastic changes to our everyday lives. These changes have brought upon increased levels of worry, sadness, and fear. If they are not effectively managed, it may have detrimental effects on our physical and mental health. One area these changes appear to have had a significant impact on […]
Celebrities Who Have Suffered from Mental Illness
Big homes, large bank accounts, expensive cars, and loads of fans, it appears celebrities have it all. However, fame doesn’t defend from mental health issues. Many of today’s biggest stars are sharing candid information about their struggles with mental health. Their stories and their bravery to talk openly about their condition creates healthy awareness of […]
Why Does Mental Illness Often Surface During Puberty?
We’re looking at the endemic level of stress in children and teenagers with growing rates of clinical depression, anxiety, and other surviving problems. Fear, insecurity and lack of control- aspects that power stress is ramped up in times of quick, impulsive change. Puberty is a period of enormous difference: physical, hormonal, sexual, social, cognitive, and […]
Seven Ways To Cultivate Self-Acceptance
Self-acceptance is tough. On a bad day, you criticize yourself on your behavior harshly, and that makes you feel miserable. We all must be appreciative of who we are and how far we’ve come in life. But as typical human behavior, it’s easier for a negative thought to foster than a positive one. A quick […]