Cyclothymic Disorder Counseling, Treatment and Therapy Program


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young depressed man sitting alone in living room at home.

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If we are not an appropriate provider for care, we will assist in finding a care provider that can help. 

When you’re struggling with a mental health condition, you can experience a range of hardships. A key component of recovery is learning to manage your symptoms, to reduce the toll that your symptoms take. A Mission For Michael (AMFM) has inpatient treatment centers for adults struggling with their mental health in California, Washington, and Virginia.

We provide comprehensive treatment options for a range of conditions including anxiety, depression, bipolar disorder, and cyclothymic disorder. This includes the use of evidence-based treatments, holistic approaches, and wellness programs. We’re going to spend time reviewing cyclothymic disorder symptoms, and common treatment options. This can help you gain an understanding of the treatment options available within an AMFM treatment center.

What is Cyclothymic Disorder?

Cyclothymic disorder is classified as a mood disorder. This condition can include chronic mood swings, including hypomanic and depressive symptoms. Cyclothymic disorder does fall within the bipolar spectrum of disorders; however, the emotional ebbs and flows are not as severe or intense as the mood fluctuations of bipolar disorder.

You may experience changes within the symptoms that you experience. Common symptoms associated with mild depression include irritability and mood swings. You may experience short periods of time without emotional instability, but they are often short-lived. Your cyclothymic disorder symptoms can affect your relationships, work, education, and other daily responsibilities. This condition may be undiagnosed due to the mild nature of these cyclical mood fluctuations.

Similar to other mental health conditions, cyclothymic disorder cannot be narrowed down to a single cause. Research has indicated that genetics, biological differences, and your environment each play a role. Those who have a family history of mood disorders, like bipolar disorder, have a higher risk.

Additionally, trauma and severe stress can trigger the onset of depressive and hypomanic episodes for some.

The key difference between cyclothymic disorder and bipolar disorder is that those experiencing cyclothymic symptoms do not meet the full criteria for bipolar I or bipolar II disorder. This could be symptoms associated with depressive or hypomanic episodes. This means that cyclothymic symptoms are often less intense.

The hypomanic and depressive symptoms associated with cyclothymic disorder are often shorter compared to the mood cycling associated with bipolar I and bipolar II disorder. This means that the impact that cyclothymic symptoms have on your life are likely mild compared to bipolar disorder. Bipolar mood episodes, particularly manic and depressive episodes, may require medications. Cyclothymic disorder medications may be recommended for some, but they differ than the medications used for the long-term mood instability associated with bipolar disorder.

A cyclothymic disorder healthcare facility can provide you with effective treatments for your emotional instability symptoms. Depending on your needs, this can include the use of various therapies, cyclothymic disorder medications, and learning effective coping strategies. Treatment can take place in an inpatient treatment center or an outpatient treatment center.

Treatment will focus on helping you balance your moods and finding long-term solutions to cyclical mood fluctuations. This can help improve your overall functioning and wellbeing. Recovery centers generally provide personalized care, tailored to your unique needs. To learn more about a cyclothymic mental health treatment center, contact A Mission For Michael by dialing (866)478-4383 today.

Cyclothymic Disorder Testing and Free Assessment Near Me

If you have been struggling with cyclical mood fluctuations, you may find yourself searching for a treatment provider. A part of this process is to know which treatment level of care you need. There are significant differences in inpatient and outpatient treatment programs that are designed for varying symptoms and intensities.

To help you in your process, A Mission For Michael offers a free and confidential mental health assessment. This allows you to receive professional guidance in the admission process without worrying about costs and required commitments. Our admission counselors will explore your symptoms and mental health history to determine which treatment program would be appropriate for you. Call us today to begin.

Signs and Symptoms of Cyclothymic Disorder

There are several conditions that fall within the bipolar spectrum, which have similarities. The main difference between these conditions is what symptoms are present, and their intensity. To help understand symptoms associated with the various bipolar disorder, continue reading the mood episodes below:

Hypomanic episodes have similar characteristics to manic episodes, though not as intense. There can be variations in the symptoms associated with hypomania, including the specific symptoms and their intensity. Medications may be used to manage these symptoms, though this is not always the case.  Common symptoms associated with hypomania include:

  • Elevated or Expansive Mood: You may feel upbeat, overly optimistic, or excessively cheerful.
  • Increased Energy: This can include restlessness, feeling energized, and being overly active.
  • Decreased Need for Sleep: You may feel rested after only a few hours of sleep.
  • Grandiosity: An inflated self-esteem or unrealistic confidence in abilities is common.
  • Talkativeness: This can include speaking rapidly or feeling pressure to keep talking.
  • Impulsive Behavior: You may engage in risky activities like spending sprees, gambling, or reckless driving.
  • Distractibility: You may experience trouble focusing on tasks or being easily sidetracked.
  • Increased Productivity: This can include an intense focus on projects, often excluding other responsibilities.

Depressive symptoms associated with cyclothymic disorder are generally less intended than the depressive episodes found in those living with bipolar I and bipolar II disorder. While they can cause persistent mood disturbances, they may not require intensive treatment or medication. Common symptoms can include:

  • Low Mood: You may experience persistent sadness, irritability, or emptiness.
  • Fatigue: This can include decreased energy, and feeling physically or emotionally drained.
  • Hopelessness: You may experience pessimism or feelings of worthlessness.
  • Difficulty Concentrating: This can include trouble focusing or making decisions.
  • Social Withdrawal: This can include a loss of interest in socializing or hobbies.
  • Sleep Changes: You may experience insomnia or hypersomnia (sleeping too much).
  • Appetite Changes: Some experience overeating or a significant decrease in appetite.
  • Feelings of Guilt: You may feel regret or excessive self-blame.

What Are Different Types of Cyclothymic Disorders?

Cyclothymia is a persistent mood disorder that can have variations from person to person. The key differences include the symptoms you experience, and the patterns of your mood cycling. Examples of differences commonly found differences among those living with this mood regulation disorder include:

Individuals who are experiencing chronic cyclothymic disorder symptoms experience recurrent mood symptoms for two or more years. You may experience times without the presence of mild depression or hypomanic episodes, but they often last less than two months. The chronic mood disturbance can create a range of challenges in your day-to-day life.

Some experience cyclothymic disorder with mild mood symptoms, with periods of emotional stability. Having these periods without mood symptoms can decreased the impact that your condition has on your overall level of functioning. When mood symptoms are present, they tend to have a shorter duration compared to others who are experiencing similar mood symptoms.

Hypomanic episodes are known for an elevated mood, energy levels, and irritability. There are some similarities to manic episodes, but hypomanic episodes are not as severe. Additionally, hypomanic episodes do not require the use of medication for emotional stability like manic episodes do.

Depressive symptoms associated with cyclothymic disorder include periods of low energy, sadness, and withdrawal symptoms. The depressive symptoms associated with this mental health condition are mild compared to those that we see with major depressive disorder. With that being said, they can still cause distress and functional impairment.

The symptoms associated with cyclothymic disorder do not meet the diagnostic criteria for bipolar disorder or major depressive disorder. This could mean that the number of symptoms present, or the duration of symptoms, falls short of diagnostic criteria. These symptoms can still lead to challenging cyclical mood fluctuations that may require treatment.

Cyclothymic Disorder Therapy and Treatment Center Near Me

A Mission For Michael (AMFM) provides comprehensive care for a range of mood disorders, including cyclothymic disorder. Our treatment combines the use of evidence-based approaches, holistic approaches, and wellness programs. To explore available treatment options, we invite you to dial (866)478-4383 to speak with an admission counselor.

Types of Treatment Programs for Cyclothymic Disorder

Treatment for cyclothymic disorder symptoms is available within the varying levels of mental health treatment programming. Each program is designed for individuals who have varying symptoms. With varying intensities and formats, these programs support those who are experiencing a range of mood symptoms and impairments from their symptoms.

Residential Treatment for Cyclothymic Disorder

A residential treatment facility can provide you with round-the-clock care in a safe and supportive environment. These programs generally include therapy, counseling, life skill development, and in some cases, medications for cyclothymic disorder. The duration of these programs can vary due to individual differences in building emotional resilience and effective coping skills.

Medication Management Services for Cyclothymic Disorder

Medication management services are combined with psychiatric care. This often begins with a comprehensive mental health assessment to determine which medications may be a good fit. Mood stabilizers may be prescribed to help reduce the frequency and intensity of hypomanic and depressive episodes. Prescribers generally recommend enrolling in a therapy clinic for comprehensive care.

Partial Hospitalization Program for Cyclothymic Disorder

Partial hospitalization programming, also known as day treatment programs, are outpatient treatment options. These programs are ideal for those who need structured support and have a supportive home environment. Treatment can include therapy, counseling, skills-building, and medication management, depending on your personal needs.

Intensive Outpatient Program for Cyclothymic Disorder

Intensive outpatient programs are an additional outpatient treatment option. These programs provide you with flexible scheduling, so you can attend treatment several days each week. You will have time to maintain your work and school commitments. Treatment can focus on developing effective coping and emotion regulation skills for your cyclical mood fluctuations.

Outpatient Program for Cyclothymic Disorder

Outpatient treatment programming for cyclothymic disorder can include traditional weekly or biweekly therapy sessions. Depending on your needs, this can be individual or group therapy. Treatment allows you to maintain your routine, while addressing mild mood disorder symptoms. Outpatient programs can provide medication management skills for those receiving psychiatric care.
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    We accept most major insurance providers and can check your coverage levels for you.

    If we are not an appropriate provider for care, we will assist in finding a care provider that can help. 

    Therapy and Counseling for Cyclothymic Disorder

    There are a number of therapies that can be used to promote mood stabilization. These approaches can improve your overall emotional health and wellness. The approaches used in your treatment plan are dependent on your symptoms and resulting challenges. Examples of topics and approaches that can be included in treatment are:

    Life and wellness coaching can be incorporated into your mood disorder treatment to help you make healthy lifestyle adjustments. This can include stress management techniques, and receiving suggestions about a healthy diet and exercise routine. This can help improve your emotional instability and your physical health.

    Counseling sessions within a behavioral health center commonly incorporate healthy coping strategies. This can help you learn various skills to manage chronic mood swings associated with cyclothymic disorder. This can help improve emotion regulation, and promote emotional resilience. You can receive support and guidance from a counselor as you implement your learned skills.

    Group sessions within mental health treatment centers can provide you with an opportunity to connect with other who have experienced similar mental health challenges as you. Family sessions can help resolve lingering conflicts, and focus on educating everyone on cyclothymic disorder symptoms and treatment approaches.

    Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) is one of the most commonly used therapeutic approaches. With CBT, you’ll learn to recognize unhealthy thoughts as they arise, and learn to challenge them. This allows you to introduce adaptive thoughts that can improve your ability to cope with depressive and hypomanic symptoms. This also includes practical coping skills for managing everyday challenges in life.

    Psychodynamic therapy is an approach that may be available in an integrative treatment center for cyclothymic disorder. This approach will help you discover how your unconscious mind influences your mood and behavior. It can help you resolve emotional conflicts, and increase personal insight and emotional growth.

    Art therapy is a creative approach that is commonly used in wellness centers. Art therapy can include drawing, painting, pottery, and more. It allows you to use creative methods to explore and express your emotions and thoughts. This can be helpful for those who are struggling to talk about particular experiences. Art therapy can increase your self-awareness and promote healing.

    Yoga therapy can be used in addition to other therapeutic approaches for a comprehensive approach. Yoga therapy combines the use of particular physical postures, breathing, and mindfulness practices. This can promote emotional balance, and help reduce stress. Those who enjoy yoga can incorporate it into their routine as a wellness act.

    Music therapy is another creative therapeutic approach. Music therapy can help improve your mood and help you process emotions. For many, relating to song lyrics can be a powerful experience, especially when they’re combined with instruments. You may find that music therapy helps you relax, and promotes creative expression.

    Mindfulness-based cognitive therapy combines the use of CBT techniques and mindfulness practices. This can help you stay in the present moment, without getting caught up in worry and anxieties. This approach can help reduce your mood reactivity, and help decrease recurrent depressive episodes.

    Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT) is a commonly used therapeutic approach in mental health and medical treatment centers. This approach focuses on emotion regulation, distress tolerance, and interpersonal effectiveness skills. This approach also introduces you to mindfulness practices, which can help manage mood fluctuations.

    Medication management services may be provided, depending on your mood symptoms. Cyclothymic disorder medications can be used to promote symptom control. This is often used in addition to mental health treatment, for comprehensive care. Your healthcare provider will work closely with you to ensure your medications are effective.

    Does Health Insurance Cover Treatment for Cyclothymic Disorder Near Me?

    Yes, many health insurance providers offer insurance coverage for cyclothymic disorder treatment. Coverage often includes therapy, counseling, medication management services, and other evidence-based practices. Your coverage can include residential and outpatient treatment programs, depending on which option is appropriate for your symptoms.

    If you would like to learn about the scope of your insurance coverage, we encourage you to complete our insurance verification form. This provides us with the information we need to contact your insurance provider and inquire about the details of your coverage. We will ask about the limitations, exclusions, and out-of-pocket expenses associated with your policy.

    Person going through the intake process at a facility

    Health Insurance Providers That May Cover Cyclothymic Disorder Treatment

    There are several popular health insurance providers that offer coverage for mental health treatment services. Examples include Aetna, Cigna, and BlueCross BlueShield. UnitedHealthcare, Kaiser Permanente, and Humana also offer coverage. Each of these providers have their own brands, services, and products for members to choose from.

    For more on the details of your insurance plan, we encourage you to contact A Mission For Michael today for support and guidance.

    How Much Does Cyclothymic Disorder Treatment and Therapy Cost Near Me?

    The cost of cyclothymic disorder treatment can vary due to the individualized nature of mental health treatment. Inpatient treatment centers generally have higher costs than outpatient care. Often, inpatient treatment costs between $500 to $2,000 per day. Price variations are the result of the location of treatment facilities, available amenities, and the treatments offered.

    Outpatient costs for cyclothymic disorder treatment can vary as well. Those who engage in intensive treatments like partial hospitalization programs and intensive outpatient programs generally have higher costs than traditional outpatient programs. Traditional therapy sessions can cost between $100 and $200 per session, with lower costs associated with group therapy. Those who receive psychiatric care and medication management services may have higher costs for treatment.

    The admission process at AMFM Mental Health Treatment Centers is designed to be efficient and through. We work to understand your mental health needs, and to connect you to the appropriate mental health treatment provider in a timely manner. There may be some variations among our treatment centers, but the general overview includes: 

    • Initial Contact: The first step of the admission process is to ask for help. Our admission counselors will ask for your contact information and for a brief overview of your symptoms.
    • Assessment and Evaluation: We will then schedule you for an assessment. This will explore your current symptoms, mental health history, and overall level of functioning.
    • Insurance Verification and Coverage: Our admission counselors will verify your insurance coverage. This allows us to inform you of limitations, exclusions, and out-of-pocket expenses associated with your policy.
    • Treatment Plan Development: Using the information gathered in your assessment, we will develop your personalized treatment plan. This will include goals and objectives that you can work towards in treatment.
    • Admissions Coordination: Once the necessary steps are completed, we will work with you to arrange your admission.
    • Orientation and Program Introduction: Once you arrive, we will provide you with a brief tour and introduction.
    • Active Participation in Treatment: You will then be provided with a treatment schedule so you may begin attending treatment.
    • Progress Monitoring and Adjustments: Our clinical team will monitor your progress throughout the admission process to ensure that your needs are being met.

    If you have been struggling with mild depression or hypomanic episodes, you may benefit from mental health treatment. Finding a cyclothymic disorder treatment center can take several steps. To help you in your search, we have outlined steps that you can take. Try using some, if not all, of the following:

    • Start with Online Research: Start your search with search engines like Google or yahoo. Try using keywords like “Cyclothymic disorder treatment centers near me,” “Treatment for cyclothymic disorder near me,” or “Cyclothymic disorder therapy near me in Orange County.”
    • Use Online Directories: Try to look through online directories for mental health and therapy providers. This includes websites like Psychology Today, GoodTherapy, and TherapyDen. These sites have search tools that allow you to narrow down by location and specialization.
    • Consult Referrals: Ask for recommendations from your primary care physician, other healthcare providers, friends and family. They may know of reputable providers in your area that offer cyclothymic disorder treatment.
    • Contact Your Insurance Provider: Try contacting your health insurance provider. They can provide you with a list of in-network mental health treatment centers that offer appropriate treatment options.
    • Use Local Health Directories: Review local healthcare directories for nearby cyclothymic disorder treatment providers. This can include online and in print resources.
    • Reach Out to Mental Health Organizations: Contact your local mental health organizations, including your state’s mental health department. You can also reach out to local branches of national organizations like NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness) and inquire about available directories of mental health services.
    • Search on Social Media: Review social media platforms, such as Facebook groups and local community forums. You may find recommendations for specialty treatment centers treating mood disorders.
    • Visit University and Medical School Centers: If you have local universities or medical schools, they may offer treatment services for cyclothymic disorder. This may include counseling services and psychiatric care.
    • Check Online Reviews: Spend time reading online reviews and ratings for treatment centers that offer cyclothymic disorder treatment. Reviews can provide you with a glimpse into the care that others have received.