Dwayne Womack

Primary Therapist , VA

Dwayne Womack is a resident in counseling working as a Primary Therapist I for AMFM Healthcare in Virginia. He possesses a passion for helping and serving people when provided the opportunity to do so. He is a person that strives for excellence in all of what he sets out to accomplish and places himself in a state of humility to learn and grow. Dwayne holds a Bachelor of Art in Psychology from Eastern Connecticut State University and a Master’s Degree in Community Counseling from The University of Saint Joseph in CT. Dwayne is a devoted husband and father Of three beautiful girls. He is a man who’s grounded in his Christian faith and enjoys listening to music, family time, laughing, good food and making moments count each day. Dwayne stands firm on the belief that your words hold power and to be ever mindful of what you say about yourself. Your words have the ability to transform your life and circumstances.

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